St. Agnes' Catholic Primary School

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God

Travel to/from school

Our school is situated in a residential area which can become congested at drop off and pick-up times.  There is a car park in the grounds (gates are open 8:00am-9:15am and 2:55pm-5:30pm) which can be used by parents, grandparents etc.  This is accessible from Westfield Avenue.  Otherwise, parking is in nearby roads. However, we do ask that adults who are dropping off/picking up children from school park safely and legally, with respect to our neighbours.

We actively promote walking, cycling and scooting to school (or even part of the way); as well as reducing congestion, it brings obvious benefit of healthy activity. In recent years, we have worked with Sustrans officers to promote healthy travel and did see some success in reducing travel by car. Many parts of our catchment area are linked to school by a network of paths and old dilly lines, which avoid main roads. However, eventhough support from Sustrans has been cut, we hope to continue to promote healthy travel.

Our Bike Shelter
Our Bike Shelter

Access to the school grounds

There are three gates (2 at the front, 1 to rear) into the school premises for pedestrian use. In the morning, they are unlocked between 7:30am and 8:00am until 9:15am.

At the end of the school day, they are unlocked from 2:50pm and locked again once all children have left the site after clubs etc. At any other time, access to and from the premises will be via the main pedestrian gate at the front of the school on Rosedale Road. All visitors are required to report to the main school Reception.

Cycling and Scooting

Children are encouraged to choose to cycle or scoot to/from school. Bikes/scooters are to be stored in the cycle storage shelter at the edge of the car park and must be secured with a lock. For the health and safety of everyone, we ask that bikes/scooters are wheeled on the school premises.