St. Agnes' Catholic Primary School

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information


The Government has asked all Local Authorities in the UK to publish, in one place, information about the services and provision they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND).

This is known as the Local Offer. Further information about the Gateshead Local Offer can be found by clicking HERE.


Our Offer at St Agnes’

St Agnes’ School aims for all children to be included, regardless of whether they have special educational needs or not. We provide equal opportunities for all children in order to allow them to experience success and achievement and to reach their full potential.

Our modern school environment is fully designed to ensure full accessibility for all users. There is a designated parking place in the car park, a disabled toilet, low kerbs and ramps to allow children with physical difficulties to access all areas of the school. Perimeter pathways have recently been modified to support those with visual impairment. Staff are fully trained in supporting children with hearing and visual impairment as well as some specific medical conditions.


Statement of Intent for Supporting Equality

At St Agnes’ School, we recognise that we have a responsibility to increase each child’s knowledge, experience, and understanding as well as developing their capacity to learn. We recognise that some children have more barriers to overcome in order for them to reach their full potential. The Head Teacher, Staff and Governors are fully committed to the integration of children with special needs and /or disabilities and helping them to succeed.


How we support SEN – Provision

Children have Special Educational Needs if they have a learning and/or physical difficulty. This means that the child will need educational support, additional to or different from, the provision made generally for children of the same age in a mainstream school. We adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of every child and use different teaching styles to cater for the different ways in which children learn.


Children may have needs that fall within one or more areas and these will be recorded on the school’s SEN register. The nature and level of the needs will impact upon the child’s ability to function, learn and succeed. The identified areas of need are:

  • communication and interaction
  • cognition and learning
  • behaviour, emotional and social development, and
  • sensory and/or physical.

 How do we identify and assess children with SEN?

Pupil assessment is an on-going process and forms an essential part of teaching. It is designed to promote the raising of achievement. Assessments provide important information for pupil review and support meetings and may also be used as a basis for an initial discussion with the SENCO. At St Agnes’, we monitor the achievement and learning of all pupils on a daily basis although more formal assessment judgements are made on a half termly basis. After discussion in termly pupil progress meetings, we identify pupils who are underachieving and may require some extra support. The data from tests, as well as assessment of learning opportunities carried out by teachers, regularly allows us to ensure that curriculum planning is differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils.

Support may be provided by specialist staff (often from outside agencies) or learning support assistants, who will work with the children in small groups or on an individual basis as appropriate.


How we consult with our SEN pupils

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are written for all children on the SEN register at the beginning of each term. In the Autumn term, the IEP is written based on discussions with the previous class teacher and the SENCO. In the Spring and Summer terms, they are written in light of achievements the children have made in the previous term. Each plan is reviewed at the end of each term in order to monitor the progress of all children with special educational needs. The targets on the plan are shared with the children when they are written and reviewed with the children at the end of each term. Copies are sent out to parents. For those children with a statement/single plan, their progress is monitored as other children, but we also host annual review meetings, when professionals from outside agencies who work with the children are invited, as well as parents. As the child is the main focus in this meeting, we make sure that the child’s views are sought. This allows us to discuss any concerns or issues people may have and helps to monitor the progress of children who have a statement/single plan.


Additional Support

It is important to realise that there may be groups of children who require some intervention for a short period of time to boost their confidence, provide appropriate stretch, self-esteem, emotional well-being or achievement. They may receive intervention for a term or block of weeks. This does not automatically mean they have a Special Education Need as they may make the progress required in the intervention and therefore will no longer need the extra help.


If you would like to discuss our Local Offer, require any additional information or would like to speak to the school's SENCO, please contact the school office.


Key Professionals 

SEN Link Governor

Mr. Patrick Garraghan


Mrs. Nadia Pinnella Noble 



School Nurse

Mrs Rachel Washington

Educational Psychologist

Miss Victoria Tate

Early Years SEN Consultant

Mrs Jean Thompson

Language Inclusion Team

Mrs Carol Chilvers

Child and Family Unit

Dr. Lynn Barratt

Autism Support / Liaison

Mrs. Lesley Newton

Hearing / Visual Impairment Service

Mrs. Amanda Ross

Speech Therapy

Ms. Stephanie James

Occupational Therapy

Ms. Vicky Lloyd

More information - please feel free to download:

SEN Policy

Equality Policy

SEND Information Report 2023-2024

Accessibility Plan 2020-2024