St. Agnes' Catholic Primary School

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God

Forest School


Spring 1 Forest School Reception Class

Reception Class Forest School

  • chalk painting
  • balance boarding
  • fire starting

Year 2 Forest School

  • den building
  • problem solving
  • preparing smores

Year 4 Forest School

  • Friendship and collaboration
  • Leadership 
  • Risk Management

Year 6 Autumn Forest School

We have had so much creative fun in Forest School this term.  In the images below we are making wood cookie Christmas decorations.  First, we used a bow saw to cut the log into thin pieces.  We then handrilled a hole for the string to be attached.  Finally we decorated the cookies.  We had a cork parachute competition and made smores using roasted Christmas marshmallows and biscuits.

Year 3 Autumn Forest School

We used flint, stel, cotton wool and small sticks and twigs to start a small fire.  It was really tricky but good fun.  (PC & TR)


Today's Y1 were tasked with making a bug hotel, finding the names of different trees using information sheets, making their favourite food in the 'bestaurant' and drawing some nature pictures.

We also saw the finished bird box which was amazing and Mr Cowell will carefully place it in our forest school area.