St. Agnes' Catholic Primary School

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God

The National Curriculum

The latest National Curriculum (2014) covers the CORE and FOUNDATION subjects and their associated attainment arrangements for children in Years 1-6.  The subjects are as follows:

CORE SUBJECTS: Religious Education, English, Mathematics and Science.                                       
FOUNDATION SUBJECTS: P.E., Computing, History, Geography, Music, Art, Design and Technology and Modern Foreign Language (in KS2) 

The school’s curriculum policy for learning is based on a series of themes/topics to cover the National Curriculum programmes of study, where this is possible and appropriate, creating a vibrant and developing creative curriculum.  Those elements of the programmes of study which cannot be taught in this manner will be taught discretely.  English and Mathematics are taught discretely, though elements of both of these subjects are taught through cross curricular links. There is a strong emphasis on the children acquiring a solid basis of key skills, for example, learning phonics from Reception Class, with a consistent approach throughout Key Stage One using Read, Write inc .  Opportunities for children to use and apply their key skills remains a priority throughout the school.

French is taught in Key Stage Two by a specialist language teacher. Elements are introduced informally in Key Stage One.  

To download,' The National Curriculum, A Guide for Parents,' please click HERE

For guidance on the way we teach mathematical calculations, please click HERE