St. Agnes' Catholic Primary School

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God

Geography Enrichment


COP 26

On November 5th we had a collapsed curriculum day where all classes focused on learning about COP26. As part of our Geography curriculum we considered COP26 to be an invaluable learning opportunity to help children develop their understanding of what it truly means to be a global citizen. The children show a real interest in this area of learning and as a result we have made our own "forest of promises" in the KS2 corridor of things we individually will try to do to help make a difference in our world. The work the children produced and the conversations that were held as a result of our COP 26 day were a real credit to how thoughtful and caring the children of St Agnes are. See below for just some of the incredible work the children produced. 

The Amazon Rainforest Year 4 

Year 4 have been learning all about the Amazon rainforest and how important it is for our world to look after it. They designed some awards to celebrate its services ! 

Where we live - Reception 

Reception learn about Geography through the area of learning " People, Culture and Communities. " They love to talk about where their homes are and get so excited if someone mentions "Crawcrook" or "Ryton. " They have started drawing maps of things they might see near their houses and making models of things they have seen in their own personal localities .  

Mapping our School Year 1 

Year 1 have been doing lots of fieldwork in and around our school grounds. They have been taking their own pictures and having a go at drawing their own maps using the research they have gathered. They have created some fantastic maps and have gained a real understanding of how to create their own maps 

Newcastle Y5 

Year 5 have been focusing on the city of Newcastle for their local area focus. They have spent a lot of time using OS maps and and have created some fantastic ones of their own

North East England Y6

Y6 have been looking at the broader area of the "North East " for their local study allowing them to make links with all their prior Geography learning throughout their Geography learning journey at St Agnes . Though the challenge now is using 6 figure grid references using the OS map! Y6 did fantastically at locating different places across our region 

The River Tyne Y4

Year 4 have been working incredibly hard on their Geography topic all about the River Tyne.  What an amazing range of skill shown in the gallery below.  We have been astounded by the degree of research and originality that has gone into each of these pieces.  Well done Year 4.